2022 Goals, entering a new year with positivity, setting goals and intentions for a new year
Entering 2022 with Positivity & 3 Small Goals…
Well here we are! We made it to 2022 and we are coming up on nearly 2 years of life during a pandemic! While it has had it’s downsides there have also been a lot of good things during the last few years as well! In the midst of a pandemic we were actually able to pay off all of our debt, take our first international trip to BELIZE and buy a NEW CAR! I would say that those are some things to really be grateful for! That being said I’m going into 2022 with a positive mindset knowing that goals and milestones can still be reached even during hard times. Speaking of goals for the new year, I have only a few…
"Enter this new year with a gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams."
- Avina Celeste
Travel more
Last year I finally got my passport and finally traveled outside of the United States! After years of saying I wanted to do it and putting off getting my passport I did it! Even during the pandemic, we managed to make it happen. We traveled to Belize for 4 days and had a great time! This year I would like to keep that travel momentum going and I have a small goal when it comes to travel which is 2 new countries and 1 new state.
We are planning a trip to Jamaica for July and Iceland for October so hopefully things go as planned. Hawaii has also been on our radar but that is tentative since it’s pretty expensive right now to travel to Hawaii.Part of my travel goals also include sharing these experiences with my kids. We got their passports as well last year so I am eager to finally take them somewhere new.
We have taken them to Puerto Rico many times but now it’s time for a change of scenery. When I was a kid money didn’t permit us to travel much and we only did small trips like camping nearby. Things like that make me really appreciate seeing beyond our borders and hopefully being able to share those experiences with my own kids starting in 2022!
active hobbies
It’s no secret I hate working out and I’m not much of an outdoors person…unless it means laying on a beach or sitting on a patio with a margarita. However this year, I would like to adopt a bit more of an active lifestyle so I decided to get back into skating. I was an avid roller skater in my teen years and even took figure skating lessons for a period of time. It was something I truly loved where I felt like I could zone out to some music and just skate the hours away. It’s also an amazing calorie burning workout that doesn’t actually feel like a workout which is what I love! I got some awesome new skates for Christmas and my daughter just got a pair too so we plan on skating a lot this year. Who knows…we may even post some skating content!
I would also like to start hula hooping again. A few years ago I got into hula hooping with my daughter but sadly my hula hoop is collecting dust in the garage! I have an awesome 35″ polypro hoop that I plan on dusting off and giving it a spin soon! This is another way to get active that doesn’t feel like you are working out which is exactly what I need!

Post more home décor content
If you haven’t noticed, I rarely share home content, mostly because the rooms in our home are not decorated the way I would like. However in 2022 I plan on focusing a lot on making our house a home. We’ve been in our “NEW” home since 2018 and I’ve finally started to really decorate our home. I’ve been getting into upcycling some of our old pieces of furniture as well as purchasing some new things that I can’t wait to share here on the blog. I’m trying to tackle one room at a time and have a few posts planned already. Don’t worry, I will still post outfits as well but at this stage of my life I want to broaden my content a bit more so stay tuned for some fresh new home décor content!
So there you have it. Those are my main 3 goals this year …travel, get a bit more active and add some new home content to the blog! I’m not setting resolutions because they are more like limitations. With resolutions you tend to tell yourself “I won’t do XYZ.” Instead I prefer goals where I push myself to do the opposite and reach for what I want. I’m not putting any limitations on myself and I’m going into 2022 with a positive outlook, no crazy expectations and complete gratitude for everything the last 2 years has thrown our way….the good and the bad.
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I pretty much have the same goals! Definitely trying to step up my home decor game as well as be a little bit more active. And of course, more travel is ALWAYS a goal!!
Yesssssssssssssssssss! UMMMMMM first of all you already have amazing home decor content! Second of all get active with me! you should get some skates and we can skate the beltline!