Teeth Whitening for Coffee Stains
With the holidays upon us having a whiter smile is very important. Holiday photo cards, pictures at parties….at some point you are bound to land in front of a camera and no one wants to worry about a yellow smile! The SmileBrilliant Whitening System is a quick easy way to achieve a brighter whiter smile customized exactly to your teeth for a perfect fit and maximum whitening!
"Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful"
- Rashida Jones

Are you a coffee drinker like me?
Are you 100% happy with your teeth? Do you think your smile is the whitest is can be? For me, whitening my teeth has always been a struggle for several reasons. I love coffee & wine, my teeth are sensitive and also a bit translucent around the edges. However coffee stains specifically were my main concern. I drink 2-3 cups of coffee per day so I need something that can really break up those stains. I’ve tried the strips but some of them slide off. The pen methods are OK but a lot of the whitening agent tends to dissolve off because of your own saliva. SmileBrilliant has been fantastic for me though, since the trays keep the solution against your teeth the entire time.
Custom fit to your smile
SmileBrilliant creates a custom tray from the mold you make at home that fits your smile exactly. After creating your custom trays you will receive them back in about a week and then you can start whitening and the process could not be easier…

when will you see results?
Everyone is different and it will also depend on your consistency using the product. The average person will need 7-14 daily applications to remove all stains from their teeth. And remember.. 1 gel syringe is 3-4 full applications (covering both the upper and lower teeth). These are my results from about 2 weeks usage. These pics were taken in roughly the same lighting just so you can get an idea. HUGE DIFFERENCE!
Teeth whitening step-by-step
- Brush teeth with water only and no fluoride.
- Leave your trays on for 45 minutes-3 hours but never overnight.
- Brush teeth with a non-whitening toothpaste.
- Rinse trays out with cool water.
- If you find that your teeth are sensitive be sure to use the desensitizing gel after your whitening for 20 minutes
- Do not drink or eat for 1 hour after each session. (My teeth are kind of sensitive so i was a bit nervous. However sensitivity only happened the first few times then I got used to it. The first time I used the whitening trays though I started out at 45 minutes then worked my way up after that.)
- Remove trays, but do not rinse your mouth or brush your teeth, just spit.
- Leave a thin layer of desensitizing gel on your teeth.
- Night time is the best time to whiten since you generally would not be eating or drinking right after going to bed!

Take 15% off now!
I will definitely keep using this product because who doesn’t want a whiter smile especially this time of year when you know you are going to appear in holiday photos! SmileBrilliant also makes a great gift for someone too! My husband has also recently started using it and loves the results he is getting and I’m sure you will too! Smile Brilliant is also going to give one lucky reader their very own Whitening System! Just click the link below to Enter! You can also take 15% off sitewide using code ericavalentin15 at checkout!
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You got great results and your smile is beautiful! Thanks for linking up with the Style Six!